One of the oldest land houses on the island is Jan Kok. The landhouse was built in 1840 to replace the one built in the beginning of the 18th century. The central section has a high sadle roof and there are several ancillary buildings on the estate. The old slave bell is still hanging on the south terrace. The landhouse is named after the 18th century slave master Jan Kok who was infamous for his cruelty. Many people on the island still believe that his bad spirit haunts the house.
From the terrace there's a view of the salt flats of the St. Marie Bay where nowadays flocks of flamingos brighten the landscape. The plantation, 345 hectares in size, was mainly a salt plantation, although arable farming and cattle breeding took place as well. In ca.1860 still some 100 slaves worked there. You can visit the country house; Nena Sanchez (a famous local artist) has a gallery there.