This landhouse dates from about 1750 and was one of the largest and most prominent, with 500 hectares, where aloe was grown and cattle were bred. In 1877 it was devastated by a hurricane. The house had become so dilapidated that Shell, the owner at the time, wanted to demolish it. Luckily Shell donated the house to a heritage foundation which restored it to its former grandeur. The house has a large gallery all over the front and in the middle of the terrace is a widening staircase. On the corners of the terrace are two solid square towers, originally built as watch-towers and observation-towers, sometimes used to lock-up slaves for punitive measures. Locally they were known as casa di palomba, or love-nests for the extramarital relations. Landhuis Brievengat is an impressive unique historical venue where famous international artist come to bring real entertainment to Curacao.