Oswaldo's Drop Off is named after the local diver who first frequented it many years ago. An easy and pretty site, this is the house reef of Sunscape Resort, and shore diving access is for guests only. If you're not a hotel guest, shore dive the other end of the reef, accessible from the local beach, Pierbaai, which is equally as beautiful and less dived. No mooring ball means this is not a regular boat diving site. Car Pile sits in the middle of these 2 dive sites, and is possibly the most unusual traffic jam you are ever likely to see. Cars and trucks dating back to the 1940s are piled on the wall, and are hugely popular with larger pelagic fish and home to a large variety of sponges. Car Pile starts at approximately 45 feet, a barge rests at 100 feet and the cars and trucks continue considerably deeper.