Sights and Landmarks


Plantation Savonet was one of the first plantations on Curaçao and together with Plantation Zorgvlied, covered nearly 4000 acres of the land. It supplied wool, maize, pulses, meat and wood (as a raw material for making paint). In the second half of the 19th century there were 2400 sheep, 850 goats, 400 cows and 60 pigs. The hundreds of slaves lived close by in tiny huts that were unfortunately demolished in time.

The old land house was set on fire in 1804 by the English during the British invasion. It was restored to its original condition early in the 19th century. The outbuildings of the colonial home Savonet lie at the entrance to the Christoffel Park. This colonial home was built by Matthias Beck, deputy director of the West India Company, around 1662. Now the Christoffelpark ticket office and shop are housed there and on the estate you can see live iguanas.

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