De quels certificats ai-je besoin pour emmener mon animal domestique à Curaçao ?
In order to import a dog, cat or ferret to Curaçao the animal has to comply with the following:
It has to be accompanied by an official international veterinary certificate
issued by the Veterinary Authority and signed by the official veterinarian designated
by the Veterinary Authority and endorsed by the Veterinary Authority with a validity
of not more then 2 (two) weeks.The animal has to be vaccinated against Rabies at the age of at least 12 weeks
with an inactivated vaccine at least 21 days, but no longer than 12 months to 36
months (as registered by the manufacturer) prior to departure. The importation of
animals younger than 15 weeks is not permitted.The animal has to be registered electronically with an
ISO (International Standards Organization)-microchip (mention the number
and day of application on the health certificate).The animal has to be free of any ectoparasites. Therefore the veterinarian certifies
treating the animal as instructed by the manufacturer with a registered systemic/oral or
topical ectoparasitic agent, with a long lasting persistent efficacy of at least 28 days,
within 14 days prior to departure (mention the date, the time and the product used on the
health certificate).The animal has to be free of any endoparasites. Therefore the veterinarian certifies
treating the animal within 14 days prior to departure with a registered endoparasitic agent
as instructed by the manufacturer (mention the date and the product used on the
health certificate).After the treatments it has to be kept free of any ecto - and endoparasites.
The animal has to be transported in a suitable kennel and according to IATA
regulations.The importation of dogs and cats from South- and Central America (excl.
Suriname) is not permitted.The importation of a pit-bull terrier type dog is not permitted